Seriously - who does not absolutely LOVE chocolate. This quick chocolate recipe is a perfect treat for when your sweet tooth is having a craving. While this is a healthier alternative, lets be honest, chocolate is chocolate and it is still a treat to be enjoyed with some control. LOL... okay - so this is Ayla`s go to chocolate fix that I steal out of the freezer. I dont really have much control with chocolate but I feel a bit less guilty with this great little option! It has less `sugar`and includes health fats. SOOOO go for it. Give this a try! You can thank my daughter Ayla once you make your first batch and then eat it all in one sitting. I dare you not to!
-half a cup coconut oil (unrefined, cold press, and virgin if possible) Coconut oil has a multitude of health benefits, which include but are not limited to skin care, hair care, improving digestion and immunity against a host of infections and diseases. I actually use a little in my tea every morning for my healthy fat for my brain power! Lord know with perimenapause I am losing brain power daily and need to fight that as best I can!!!!!
-half a cup of cacao or cocoa powder - Cacao is less processed and therefore contains higher levels of vitamin C, iron, fiber, and even a bit of calcium, not to mention it is an antioxidant that fights free radicals within our system. Who doesnt need little free radical fighter warriors helping out our body!!! Whenever there is a less processed option... GO WITH IT!!!! Less processed means it is easier for our bodies to digest, use, and actually benefit from.
-3 tbsp of honey. You can add more or less according to your tastebuds and sweet tooth. We use an unpasturized, locally sourced honey. Unpasturized honey has greater antibacterial and anitfungal properties.
-toppings of your choice ... we will list those later and they are to die for!!!!!
1. Soften the coconut oil slightly and whisk or stir until smooth
2. Add in cacao and honey and whisk or stir until smooth - this looks amazing as you are doing it! Seriously dont scoop any with your finger - just wait - it gets better!
3. Line a pan, plate, or mold with parchment or wax paper
4. Pour then spread the mixture into the lined pan. Not too deep or thick!
5. Sprinkle toppings. Okay - here we go... oh my ... these are the best treats on top. Our favorite toppers are chopped dates to add sweetness (because it simply isnt sweet enough) as well as sliced almonds for a little crunch and protein. If you want a bit of variety, these all work well too: goji berries, chia seeds, hemp seeds, unsweetened coconut shavings, other sliced and or crushed nuts and even fresh sliced fruit. It is endless what you can put on top!
6. Place with pan of deliciousness into the freezer for about 30 minutes or until hard.
7. Once it is frozen, break it into little chunks (or big) and remove from mold.
8. Keep it in the freezer to keep it hard and simply because it tastes the best cold. Grab a piece or two or three or finish the entire plate all in one evening. LOL... ok - that is what I do but if you have a thing called self control - have a little bit at a time.
Let us know what you think of this little touch of heaven! I personally love this simple little receipe. Thank you my beautiful Ayla for this great treat! Enjoy with a Spiced Chai Latte ... oh my!